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The Self-Hosted Decentralized Blockchain Explorer Founded by QANplatform is now available on LibreScan

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    Estonia, Tallinn--(Newsfile Corp. - September 29, 2023) - LibreScan, one of the first multi-chain Decentralized Blockchain Explorers (DBE), has announced its public launch. Users can now anonymously self- host LibreScan for tracking Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, or any EVM-compatible blockchains on their own devices.

    The Introduction Of LibreScan by QANplatform.

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    LibreScan is a decentralized open-source blockchain explorer that can be used for any blockchain in the future and aims to eliminate censorship risk, privacy violations, and centralization.

    The foundation of blockchain technology is decentralization. Centralized blockchain explorers are centralized points of access to blockchain data. Centralized blockchain explorers monitor their users, linking their wallets to IP addresses, and represent a critical point of failure.

    LibreScan offers a solution that enables users to run their self-hosted blockchain explorers while maintaining anonymity. Using a self-hosted blockchain explorer also provides users with 24/7 access to a graphical blockchain explorer interface if major blockchain explorers become unavailable for any reason. The developer community is encouraged to contribute to this open- source project by connecting their preferred Layer 1 or Layer 2 blockchains to LibreScan.

    LibreScan is founded by QANplatform, which has recently launched the world's first private blockchain that is both quantum-resistant and compatible with Ethereum's EVM, while also enabling developers to code smart contracts in any programming language. The QAN Private Blockchain explorer already uses LibreScan.

    About LibreScan:

    LibreScan is one of the first EVM-compatible self-hosted Decentralized Blockchain Explorers (DBE). It was founded by QANplatform, built by the crypto community for the community. Developers can contribute to the open-source project where they can connect any blockchain platform with LibreScan. Cryptocurrency users will be able to run their own blockchain explorer on their own device and always have secure access to their blockchain explorer without being tracked.

    Website: https://librescan.org/

    About QANplatform:

    QANplatform is the quantum-resistant Layer 1 hybrid blockchain platform that will allow developers and enterprises to build quantum-resistant smart contracts and Web3 solutions on top of the QAN blockchain platform in any programming language. In February 2023, Alpine Esports, a Group Renault brand, and inter alia in the Formula 1® Esports Series, signed QANplatform as its Official Blockchain Partner to create practical use cases. QANplatform was selected for the EY (Ernst & Young) Global Startup Academy 2023 Program.

    Website: https://qanplatform.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/QANplatform
    Contact Person: Jevgenia KIM
    Contact: [email protected]

    To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/182035


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